What can you expect to find in my greenhouse?
Some nurseries are known for collections of classical hybrids, a few are known for their own breeding of certain genera, while others primarily bring in material from Hawaii for resale. Fair Orchids has a slightly different approach:
On occasion I do a little breeding with plants from my personal collection. Currently primarily in the Cymbidium & Cattleya genera; occasionally I venture into the Vandaceous group also. When I come across something interesting, I will purchase flasks, plugs or compots from other growers. This provides a continuous flow of new plants.
I purchase a lot of seedlings from premier breeders in CA & HI. I evaluate these as they bloom, and select the best for my personal collection. Once these plants are large enough to divide, I offer divisions of these select clones - not classical (yet), but state of the art from current breeding lines.
Some of the areas I focus on are: Brassavola nodosa hybrids, Laelia anceps hybrids, and both species & hybrid Reedstem type Epidendrums. In the more traditional Cattleya group, I am primarily growing compact size hybrids & heavily spotted hybrids, but I also have a few classical hybrids, as well as some true miniatures.
I have a large selection of Cymbidiums, primarily warmth tolerant (20-24" tall) and pendulous types. Effective June 2021 I have released seedlings of 3 new crosses for sale. Details and pricing are found on the 'Seedlings & Flasks' page.
In the Vandaceous group, my focus is on smaller growing intergenerics, though I still have a selection of full size hybrids available.
During the show season, I bring in some budded/blooming material from Hawaii (I can't produce enough in one 2500 sqft greenhouse), so my inventory is constantly changing. I rarely bring in more than 6-10 plants of any one item. Thus, any item listed on this web site is subject to prior sale.
Through my association with Flemington Orchids, I can supply blooming Phalaenopsis at near wholesale pricing, if ordered in whole flats (= multiples of 12 pcs). These plants are available in many colors, but have no name tags. Please inquire for pricing & delivery in NJ.
TERMS & CONDITIONS: NO shipments to CA, HI or International. I do not know the regulations of every State, so I have to rely on buyers to help me. If your State has restrictions on incoming plant shipments, please do not order. I offer no compensation for shipments delayed or confiscated by authorities. Orders are accepted via E-mail (fairorchids@aol.com) and phone (973-495-4863), and filled in the order received/paid. I normally ship via USPS Priority at rates shown here.
However, USPS service has deteriorated verybadly recently. If you prefer FEDEX, additional charges apply (UPS does not accept packages of live plants). Payment can be made via Paypal, credit card or personal check (shipment is held till the check clears).
Shipping & Handling: 2-4" pot: $15.00/1st plant ($18.00 west of the Mississippi); +$3.00 (4.00) each additional plant. 5-8" pot: $20.00/1st plant ($25.00 west of the Mississippi); +$4.00 ($5.00) each additional plant. Larger plants quoted upon receipt of inquiry. Plants in clay pots will normally ship bare root.
To place an order, please send your shopping list & shipping address to fairorchids@aol.com, or text me at 973-495-4863.
April 2021: Some plants shown below are sold out. I am working on an update to the plant/price listing.

Plastic Pots, clear & colored; Net Pots, Vanda Baskets & Wire Hangers: I can supply in moderate quantities. Prices quoted upon request.
Potting Mix: Mix is expensive to ship. Free delivery to NJOS/DCOS monthly meetings, and when speaking at other societies. I can supply:
Cattleya I : 2:1:1 Bark/Charcoal/Perlite, all coarse
Cattleya II: same, with 1/2 the bark seedling size
Seedling* : = Cattleya I, but all seedling size (also good for Miltoniopsis & Dendrobiums).
1.0 gal bag : $8.00
2.5 gal bag : $20.00 (= 3 x 1 gal bag)
Bucket (0.75 CFT): $30.00 (= 5 x 1 gal bag)
Fertilizer: Nutricote 13:11:11 w micronutrients
100 day slow release for 8 oz bag: $8.00
topdressing Cymbidium 16 oz bag: $12.00